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Terms & Conditions

Individuals participating in any LbE program and/or the processes of the LbE Sustainability online platform, its related activities and communications, are required to fulfil the following criteria regarding their identity:

  • The individual is within the age range of 12 - 18

  • The individual has written permission by a parent or guardian to participate in the LbE Program and all of its related activities and communications, including the required use of LbE’s online learning platform

Content Creation
Individuals participating in any LbE Programs and/or processes of the LbE Sustainability online platform, its related programs, activities, and communications, are required to provide the following content to the LbE Online Platform:

  • Visual Materials

  • Audible Materials

  • Written Information


In addition, individuals may be photographed during their participation in any LbE Programs and/or processes of the LbE Sustainability online platform for documentation purposes.


Individuals participating in any LbE Programs and/or processes of the LbE Sustainability online platform, its related programs, activities, and communications, are required to uphold the following rules:

  • Every person is required to follow all reporting times as specified by the LbE Staff and Leaders.

  • Upon login into the platform and any video chat rooms, individuals are required to mute their microphones and await the start of the session. A video camera is required to be on during the entire session unless otherwise agreed upon by the Leader staff (such as for lunch for example).

  • Individuals are required to remain in the online video chat room until the session has been completed and the Leader or LbE staff has left the chat room.

  • Individuals are required to come prepared for every single session, meaning to have completed the previously given assignments and materials in their entirety.

  • Individuals are to communicate with each other, Leader, and LbE staff in a respectful and calm manner at all times of participating in any programs, activities, and communications.

  • All individuals are required to speak in English only. This includes speaking to Leaders, LbE staff, and fellow participants.

  • Individuals may not use their cell phones during any programs or activities unless used for the purposes of a program or activity.

  • Individuals may not chew gum or eat for the entire session of any program or activity unless approved by the Leader or LbE staff.


All provided content and information regarding the identity, created and submitted materials, and evaluations of participants are kept and can be used by LbE and any of its affiliates in the following ways:

  • All content and information provided by participants can be used for the purposes of program evaluations and assessment to aid in the purposes of program and service improvement, including but not limited to marketing materials and customer targeting, pricing, staffing, and program development.

  • All content and information provided by participants can be used to display company standings and numbers in statistics for financial, tax, and sustainability reporting to government agencies and any affiliated companies of LbE. While gross participant numbers, performance, and origins may be disclosed in a statistical manner, at no time shall any of the provided information about a participant’s individual identity, including name, age, or origin, be disclosed without the consent of the student or guardian thereof.

Liability Claims
LbE and any of its affiliates are not liable for any harm, physical, psychological, or material, occurring in connection with any processes, programs, activities, or communications. In addition, LbE and any of its affiliates cannot be held accountable for actions conducted by any participant that is beyond the requirements, scope, timeframe, communications, and purpose of any LbE processes, programs, activities, or communications.

By purchasing or registering for any LbE services or products, you agree to the terms of the above sections regarding identity, content creation, conduct, privacy, and liability.

Cancellation Policy

Here at LbE Hawaii, we are dedicated to providing experiences to as many learners as possible. Due to the strict social distancing regulations we need to abide by, we are limited to providing experiences for small group sizes. Due to these limitations, if you have to cancel your experience with us, we would appreciate as much time as possible so that we may try to offer your spot to other participants.


Cancellation Policy
Cancellations made 48 hours or less prior to the starting time of the program, regardless of the reason, will not be eligible for a refund of the amount paid. However, participants may have the option to rebook to a future program for a rebooking fee of $10.00.


Cancellations made 48 hours prior to the starting time of the program regardless of the reason will be eligible for a refund of the amount paid, excluding credit card / convenience fees.


LbE Hawaii’s programs cater to various age groups and demographics. Please ensure that you register for a program that is appropriate for your age group / demographic. The cancellation, refund, and rebooking policy is still in effect for individuals who book the wrong program.


In the event that you need to cancel your experience, send an email to LbE Hawaii at as soon as possible.


If you are eligible for a refund, please email LbE Hawaii at Please keep in mind that you will only be refunded the program amount, excluding credit card / convenience fees.


Absence Policy
Persons who are absent or late at the starting time of the program will not be eligible for a refund and will not be eligible to rebook for a future program under any circumstances. Participants who do not show up to a program must book an entirely new future-dated program at full cost.

LbE Hawaii LLC

307 Kamani Street Ste A, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 96813 ・ 808-209-5423

Updated 2024

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