Kuleana: Waste Reduction Program
Sample Schedule
Day 1 - 3:15 PM ~ 5:30 PM | Online Pre-Program Session
Day 2 - 9:00 AM ~ 5:30 PM | On-site Kailua & Online Post-Program Session
Participants: 3rd grade+ (we can customize the level of the program depending on the group
Registration Fee: Inquire within
Kuleana: Waste Reduction Program Overview
In this mini program, participants will meet for 1.5 days balanced between online and physical atmospheres, and will learn specifically about the Aloha+ Challenge: Waste Reduction. By the end of the program, participants are expected to better understand this single challenge and shall dedicate life-long actions and advocacy towards the goals of the challenge.
Program Goals:

Understand the Problem
Learn about Hawaii's Waste Reduction Aloha+ Challenge, the problems associated with it, and the targets we need to reach.
Learn from and interact with Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii to understand the problem we are facing in Hawaiʻi and prepare to act out a solution with proper intentions.

Experience the Solution
With pre-knowledge, the right attitude, and with good intentions, participants will be a part of the solution - to do a beach cleanup community service, re-purpose the collected debris (rather than throwing it into the trash), then learn about prevention of plastic pollution at the zero waste store.

Be the Change
Through the successful completion of this short program, it will become the participants' kuleana to continue the work of inspiring others to be aware of the problem, solution, and prevention of waste in our community, through active community service and advocacy.
Photo Courtesy: Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii
Our Professional Partner:
We are excited to team up with Sustainable Coastlines Hawaiʻi, a local non-profit organization dedicated to care for the coastlines of Hawai'i through beach cleanups, educational programs, and public awareness campaigns.
Participants will get the opportunity to learn from the Education Team about the problem, solution, and prevention of coastline/marine pollution and get to be a part of the solution with the team onsite in Kailua.
Sample Schedule:
Subject to change.
Day 1 - 3:15 PM ~ 5:30 PM
Virtual Online (Zoom)
Program Orientation
Introduction to Aloha+ Challenge / Waste Reduction
Interaction and lecture with Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii
Workbook introduction
Site visit preparation
Day 2 - 9:00 AM ~ 5:30 PM
Onsite: Kailua
Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii overview
Beach cleanup around Kailua Beach & Kalama Beach
Collect microplastics and other debris
1:1 discussions with the Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii team
Protea Zero Waste Store Lecture on waste problem, solutions, and prevention
Shopping experience with a store voucher (included!)
Lunch experience at designated lunch spots in Kailua
Upcycling Art Project - *Featuring Art Director Guest Speaker*
Sustainability Animation Campaign - *Featuring Art Director Guest Speaker*
Thinking in Systems with LbE Hawaii's sustainability team
Reflection discussion
Prepare for group presentation
Group Presentation
Introduction to online platform to remain connected, continue collaboration with peers/professionals/LbE Hawaii sustainability team
Key Activities at a Glance:

Aloha+ Challenge: Waste
Online lecture on awareness of the State of Hawaii's Aloha+ Challenge, focusing on Waste Reduction. We will focus closely on the issues, solutions, and prevention of excess waste.

Solo Upcycling Art Project
Each participants create their own art masterpiece using the debris they collected. Presented by special guest Art Director: Nak Yong Choi.

Beach Cleanup
Lecture and guided beach cleanup with Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii along the shores of Kailua and Kalama Beach. Be a part of the solution by removing waste along our local shores!

Sustainability Campaign
Group project collaboration to create a stop motion animation using the collected debris, and produce a sustainability campaign based on the theme and what is learned. Presented by Nak Yong Choi.

Protea Zero Waste Store
Visit the Protea Zero Waste Store and learn about the mission and story of the store, thinking about the prevention of plastics harming our environment. Includes a shopping voucher for a shopping experience.

Each group presents their artwork and sustainability campaign to a recorded Zoom session and pledge sustainable actions for the future.
Staff & Group:
1 Facilitator
1 Supporter
1 Leader x 5 Participants = 1 group
We believe in creating small group learning environments for our program participants to feel comfortable in communicating with their peers and a dedicated trained group leader. Leaders (trained young adults with a passion for sustainability) are responsible for guiding, leading group discussions, and the overall safety and well-being of group participants.
The main program facilitator will lead the overall program, ensure proper time management, and introduce important details and background information about the program.

Operation During COVID-19
To ensure the safety of our staff, all participants, professional partners, and our community, we will be taking the following steps:
All participants and staff must be free of symptoms relating to COVID-19 including but not limited to: fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, fatigue, dizziness, loss of taste or smell, etc.
All participants and staff must be feeling well during the time of the program
All LbE Hawaii staff will be required to wear a tight-fitted face covering at all times, indoor and outdoor, and while walking while it will remain OPTIONAL for program participants
During the pre-program, all participants and staff must take a mandatory pre-program questionnaire to ensure items 1~4 will be met during the physical program
The physical portion of this particular program will occur primarily outdoors in large open spaces
The pre and post programs are to be purposely held online to allow for seamless communication as a whole group, as well as to have a recorded session that will be made available for "play-back"
What's Included:
1.5 days hybrid program
Professional Lectures
Dedicated Trained Program Leaders (1 Leader: 5 Students)
Site Visits
Hands-On Activities
Group Discussions
Hawaiʻi General Excise Tax
Zero Waste Store Shopping Voucher
Kailua Lunch Voucher
Lifetime access to LbE's online learning hub platform for continued collaboration with peers/professionals/LbE Hawaii sustainability team
Future Program Discounts
Event/Summit Discounts
Webinar Discounts